The Things We Make,

Make Us

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big fish creative has been up and swimming for over 20 years. Founded in 2002 by three innovative visionairies, in 2004, two of the three fish answered the call of lake waters and moved back to the Chicago area.


The remaining partner happily splashes about her native waters next to the Mighty Mississippi and runs big fish as a virtual agency—bringing other talented peeps to the pond as needed. This offers greater flexibility of services, an endless supply of talent, and allows big fish to go with the flow.  



Massaged Messages

Everyone has a story, but when it’s all in the telling, that’s where we come in.



Design that Sings Off the Page

Creating a look that sparkles is one thing, making it down and dirty is another. Fortunately, we can do both.

What We Do

big fish creative at your service

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You know…web sites and stuff. Responsive designs. SEO strategies. We can provide all you need to plug into your customers.


Chat the Snap, Book the Face, or Gram the Instant. There’s also YouTube, Google pages and more. Social media is taking over the world, and you need to be a part of that conversation.


Environmental graphics, company histories/exhibits, vehicle wraps, portable trade show booths, and the very popular and very portable pull-up banner stands—both freestanding and tabletop—are all part of your branding.


Compelling packaging is a must when your product is amidst a myriad of similar ones vying for attention on a shelf. That’s when our bevy of artists really shine. We match the best artist and packaging vessel for your look, and we are completely comfortable with working with manufacturers worldwide. 


As James Heaton offers, “Branding is strategic. Branding should both precede and underlie any marketing effort. Branding is not push but pull. Branding is the expression of the essential truth or value of an organization, product, or service. It is communication of characteristics, values, and attributes that clarify what this particular brand is and is not.”


Heaton goes on to say, “Marketing is tactical. Poorly researched and executed marketing activities can certainly be a cost center, but well-researched and well-executed marketing is an investment that pays for itself in sales and brand reinforcement.” That Heaton guy is pretty insightful. Thank goodness we’re not only creative but nerdy enough to look at a project from all angles. 


is what drives us.

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